#Sylo token mods#
Use your best judgement, and reach out to the mods if you have any doubt.

No unverified projects are permitted in discussion: Any users suspected of engaging in or promoting unverified projects will be banned. self promotion/spam/pumps/referral links.any discussion the community deems as questionable/insincere/damaging.criticizing or singling out a crypto product/service or individual.buying/selling/promoting of any crypto products/services.Throwaway/low-karma accounts are heavily regulated: Posts will be removed and permanent bans strictly enforced for throwaway and/or low-karma accounts that mention: No asking for of giving of advice, advertising personal investments, requesting recommendations as it relates to cryptocurrency or related products/services. We will ban projects that are being shilled from discussion. No submission of low/micro cap coins: New projects may contact the mods to request to post (not shill) here. is known to be scam, pump, or spam content.No posting of untrusted (unsafe) content: If your content was removed because of this rule, it was likely flagged because it either: Posts must be related to cryptocurrencies: Including but not limited to news articles/agenda-free information/general questions/personal opinions/discussions that don't push a specific product/service/agenda Newcomers With Questions? Visit the Wiki Join Our Discord Message the Mods Crypto Trader Network Rules We work hard to provide a fair and open community for all, but ask that newcomers please read the rules carefully before posting. We try to issue bans only when absolutely necessary, and pledge to never censor legitimate content. Congregate and connect with fellow HODLers, stay up-to-date with the latest news, gain and share knowledge, and discuss current events relating to all things crypto.Īs moderators it is our goal to be fair, approachable, and open to suggestions. This is the best place to learn about and stay up to date with this ever-changing world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.